
3 Helpful Ways for Older Pastors to Mentor Younger Pastors

3 Helpful Ways for Older Pastors to Mentor Younger Pastors

The fifty-year veteran of shepherding has much to offer the newbie through mentoring. Unfortunately, mentoring can often be more haphazard than fruitful. It doesn’t have to be this way. How can older pastors mentor younger pastors in a way that is helpful for the congregation? Here are 3 ways.

What I Teach at Our New Member's Class

What I Teach at Our New Member's Class

I have a high view of church membership, and I hope to lead my church to have the same view. I believe the best starting point for setting high expectations of every church member is a new member class. Whatever descriptor you use for the class, whatever time slot you choose to teach the class, every new member class should communicate three key points about your church: information, doctrine, and expectations.

A Plea for Church Leaders to Say and Do Intentional Evangelism

A Plea for Church Leaders to Say and Do Intentional Evangelism

I sat in an empty conference room going through church files. One box contained hundreds of leads from a long-gone Tuesday night outreach program. I called in a couple of deacons.

“What should we do with these?” It may be the dumbest ministry question I’ve ever asked.